A cannabis company’s mission is the foundation for a brand’s story. It tells us who they are, what they stand for, their goals, and values. CEOs and the leadership team are the company’s public-facing representatives, giving them a unique advantage to emotionally connect with marijuana consumers and impact how they perceive the brand. They are part of the marketing arsenal.

This is where personal branding comes in and why it serves as an extension of a company’s mission and a way to stand out. Most importantly, to build a personal brand, you must align with the values of your cannabis audience. 

What Does The Cannabis Community Care About?

Even though they are a diverse group, they tend to be empathetic, caring, and highly concerned with issues around social equity, environment, gender equality, human rights, social justice, health and wellness, and company culture, to name a few.

What Is a Personal Brand?

It is the human side of the company. It’s the public image you project to reflect the values of the company you lead.

Seth Godin -“A brand is a set of expectations, memories, stories, and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”

What Will a Personal Brand Accomplish?

  1. It will help differentiate you from the competition.
  2. Build trust with your intended audience.
  3. It’s a vehicle to amplify your company’s mission, control messaging, and influence public perception.
  4. It will provide more exposure for the company.
  5. A personal brand will build a meaningful connection to your intended audience to build a loyal following.
  6. It will increase your visibility in the industry and open doors to new partnerships.
  7. Increase your reputation as a leader.

8 Steps To Build A Personal Brand

  1. Define your personal brand in a written statement. Your personal brand should tie into your company brand. Be authentic. Fake is transparent. 
  2. Know your audience to be sure your message and tone are spot-on. 
  3. Research your competition to make sure to stand out.
  4. Use it to network and build relationships! 
  5. Be consistent in messaging and frequency.
  6. Support your community. It’s the soul of your company.
  7. Build trust. Walk the walk, don’t just talk the talk.
  8. Hire Studio 420 to implement a personal branding strategy.

Now, Get Your Message Out There. Which Channels Will Amplify Your Voice? 

There are many options to share your messaging depending on your audience and the platform they prefer to consume content: audio, articles, podcasts, videos, conferences, and PR.


  1. Share your expertise or insights through thought-inspiring articles on reputable publications.
  2. Spread the word as a guest on podcasts- make the rounds.
  3. Host a “room” on Clubhouse.
  4. Speak at industry conferences.
  5. Publish press releases to get the attention of journalists and reporters for a chance at earned media.
  6. Host a webinar with your peers or be a panelist.
  7. Be a guest on a radio talk show.

Whatever medium you choose to engage with your audience, make sure you add value for them to start the conversation.

Building a personal brand takes planning and consistent audience engagement and should be in every marketing mix. Let Studio 420 build your brand and watch your company rise to the top.

The “green rush” is on, and the cannabis marketplace is crowded. How will you make your company stand out? 

Article by Pam Chmiel.


Studio 420 is a cannabis and psychedelics creative agency specializing in branding, UX/UI design, web development, ecommerce, and digital marketing solutions. We offer a variety of services to ELEVATE your online web presence.

Contact our Denver, Colorado office for a no-obligation, project cost analysis at 303-653-9855.